Being intentional in disciple making
The great commission is clear. We are called to "Go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit, and teach them to observe all that is commanded, and remember that I am with you always. Matt 28:19-20 One of the best examples we have of what it looks like to be a disciple maker besides Jesus, is Paul. After his conversion, Paul took Jesus' command of the great commission seriously. He went to the nations making disciples. We are going to take a snapshot picture of 4 areas we can learn to become an intentional disciple maker.
Spiritual Mentoring: On facet of Paul's ministry was how he was a mentor to many people but specifically Timothy. Paul saw Timothy as a youth that needed a father figure, and someone to show him how to be a godly man. We can learn from Paul that we model to those younger in the faith how to be trained in the instruction of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4)
Set a course of direction: Just a s a father raises his son with a purpose in mind. The Goal of discipleship is to produce fully capable followers of Jesus, who will train others. As you consider how to be more intentional consider two simple questions.
1. Who is your Lord? Its easy to say Jesus is Lord, but much harder to flesh out on a daily basis. If Jesus is my Lord then everything must be considered as how that decision is reflective in my life. Things like; What I buy, what I sell, how I spend my time, skills, resources. Everything must be submitted to the Lordship of Jesus.
2. What's your mission? When you have encountered the saving power of Jesus, and been given a new lease on life because of Him, the natural response is to love others the way that he has loved you. Out of your love for God, you will love others in a way that desires the world to see Jesus the same way you do. That mission will expand beyond your friends and family but will pull you toward the nations.
Develop Spiritual Disciplines: I've said it a thousand times but its still true; "You can't walk in God's ways unless you know God's ways." Developing spiritual disciplines is not the means of which we are saved but rather they are the fruits or proofs that a relationship with Jesus is real. We pray, fast, study, and serve not to build ourselves up but to connect deeper with the Father. Its an endless cycle, the more we obey the more we experience God; the more we experience God the more we love Him, the more we love him the more we will obey him.
Stay Flexible: As you begin to disciple others, the more you will see that everyone is different and may need more time to grow. Some will develop fast others will take longer. Stay flexible and sensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and experience how Jesus will use you in making disicples.